Sunday, December 25, 2022
banned from facebook as a lower race
Israel has a double deal with Scholl nazis to destroy constitutional businesses, good workers, artisans as well, and avantgarde artists - nothing new with verizon.
Hitler anti Weimar brothel circuit.
Monday, December 19, 2022
I would like to present the following issues, understanding that, what I refer to as
"extreme" , " persecution" and " line of concentration" are war atrocities.should you need clarification, contact the Office of I telligence and the Department of Defense, hell, X - files :
1. There is an extreme hate, belief, prejudice development that has been working its way within europolitics since the clinton administration;
2. This trend has led to extensive persecution of all citizens, in particular US by way of line of concentration;
3. that this line has been decried, today, as engaged in by georgia miloni, and cohorts, who seized power in Italia on 9.25.2022 and
has been using nazi terminology and greetings in the latest europarliament meet regarding the next budget;
4. that the intention of 3. is to seize ALL CITIZENS who she refers to as
"disadapted" , citizens with psychological/ psychiatric issues, even in the US and mass murder them : won.t you join that particular bandwagon.
as a consequence I think it.s best to veer toward cannabis/ vitamin B and opium and derivatives, found by writers such as William Burroughs as having the least deleterious effect on human biology with the exception of addiction- for treatment of situations such as PTSD and involve the FDA in banning neuroleptics for damage done to the neurological system. thorazine was;
engage citizens in education on war atrocities, to effectively counteract them;
to declare euthanasia, voluntary and involuntary, extraconstitutional, and redistrict US territory in states that have allowed for such legislation to pass,with the urgency this situation entails.
insure if needed home care doesn.t wear its scrubs outdoors or clunk a person with a residential address to seize its lodgings for a future sliding ease in blitzkriegging the US
I just don.t want to hear it ANYMORE.
good job on the trend for reduced stay in hospitals,
Season.s Greetings,
Alex Maffei
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Harvard University Defends Cryptocurrency
only boston brahmins can afford the no accountability loss cryptocurrency offers.
maybe.or as poor as charles the third.
either way, this doesn.t work for me slightly less than Columbia University and I wouldn.t attend either. but it hates women working, I read.
Extreme Lack Plan in Financial Investing: a War Act against Democracy
Planet Consumer with Alex Maffei
financial advisor slaves owned by managerial family crown staff :
madison trust
mercer advisors
summit rock
fisher investments
considered the best by smart assets blog based on
" AUM" managerial control of all assets;
financial advisors:
1. fee only: the only income they see if from you as a client;
2. fee based: same as 1, but you get charged under multiple headings. nervine use.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Automatic Bank Payments at Risk
automatic payments from banks at risk
from marzella/ hughues new york in connecticut/ boston, massachusetts.
work through neighborhood contact: 196.32 45th ave Auburndale/ Flushing NYC NY 11358 ;
Inside bank job: bank of america, bell blvd, slightly north of northern which may have repercussions on Merryl Lynch financial portfolios;
Businesses: The New York Times.refuses to send bills, will doctor account ;
at and t, direct tv : anticipated payment post facto from November 5, 2022 to November 2, 2022 to ruin credit for now;
document, deed burners: neighbors, 196 37/39 45th ave Auburndale/ Flushing area, 11358;
Collusion within NYPD : 111 precinct NYPD did not look into any complaint if open fire burning from 37/39 at 37/39 and more, since 2010.
baking soda as cleanser for food prep stuff
and it also works to remove tarnish from silver.amazing. products available on the market are full of noxious chemicals.
raicultura : letteratura new publishing v. gruppo editoriale L. Espresso
raicultura : letteratura new publishing v. gruppo editoriale L. Espresso
RAI since lega administration in a populist genocidal pit still provides a halfway decent reading list:
gruppo editoriale, L.Espresso instead proposes tricks on citizens by the trackminded, then, since it coordinates hacking with antonello florio, who for some british protectorate reason hates me extremely, brings up, on google search:
gruppo editoriale : L.Espresso which promptly vanishes as soon as his jesuit extreme belief overload hits the metal, and it.s really a matter of frustrated desire for the delicacies of a better world I.m excluded from, to blame.
playin around the investment world: casino stock and door stoop cafe.s, free seating
playin around the investment world: casino stock and door stoop cafe.s, free seating
casino stock or a game of chance: invest a moderate amount in a stock, and watch it react or not to lines of concentration. just to do. learn how to invest that way too.
door stoop cafe. - a one or two person venture. sell drinks from a cart offer temporary wildcat strike seating on stoop. something to look at, like an urban garden opposite would be nice...
lynch mob, coffee and cigarettes news 11.15.2022 @ 5.33am
their reality, by way of line of concentration: I.m a terrorist
NY governor hochul: this state is far too liberal when it comes to Alex Maffei;
US president biden:
Is she a terrorist?
Then kill her!
Last 24 hours:
Your house is more be; a Spanish citizen;
English crown: how is it possible one person AND A WOMAN owning a house and LIVING ALONE!
black plague scare;
Threats of bacterial infection;
contributions from the ' liberal' East Village mindset:
She.s a pedophile;
Richard Hell: I.m for Patti Smith in this.we don.t want you here! Well, I.m with the people in this! Who knows, maybe I.ll run for elections! Patti Smith: no I will! I have more political preparation than you, Richard!
Richard Hell fan constituency: we don.t want you in the East Village because Italian. No Spanish okay.but Italian? And German? And poor? Oh no we have to skim off the fat of countless millions of citizens Richard Hell and Patti Smith have passed information about throughout the years.
The Strand bookstore: we want them gone! The poor and the ethnic! We want english crown to read our books not you!
Biden: I overall agree with this!
Oh okay, you run! What.s the use.she.s a woman, how far can she get with this Italy?
Miloni, position varied within the Italian administration, all in one president, premier and house whip: I am a woman and...
Richard Hell: a privy reply, and on and on...
I.m here pointing a gun to your head;
When will she run?
Insistence I kill children, small ferals and tenants for the big boss nextdoor;
I threaten her daily with death threats! I. m with the marines on this! So what we kill children nobody wants! - last spring/ summer: I.m with the FBI in this!
Biden: well, using certified techniques to stop this thing...
196.40 45 ave Auburndale/ flushing nyc ny 11358
john lydon, first punk rock wave - content: citizens opposing administration connected extraconstitutional exclusions from work, based on civil rights: yeah, right! England to the English! Do they know Europe is also exclusionary?
reply: no I don.t think so,we can book them on flights, have them done in by putin, then seize their estates and split among us! It.ll be solid takings...
OH, MY GOD! SHE.S REPEATING THIS VERBATIM! Let.s say she.s spying on us!
Biden: there I.m good...
Biden, contacted by Ukrainian President: well, we don.t want to support you.I spoke to several generals, ready to withdraw our support and let Kiev fall.are you ready to split the take?
My reality: on my front door stoop enjoying early morning with an espresso and a cigarette, thinking: door stoop bistro, with a smile on my face, prepping to start the day with the trillion things I have to do that been addressed by agencies, businesses and federal ,such as: where is my latest covid payment? And why hasn.t my phone ring for two telephone interviews with the HRA? No sweat, I.ll just reschedule...
and, wow, winter.s here.I just turned on the heat at 62 degrees fresh!
11.15.2022 @ 5.16am
support pets: anything but posting blocked at 5.32am 11.15.2022
see link, for some arcane reason...
11.15.2022 @5.38am
Saturday, November 12, 2022
where not even a barabbas crowd dares to thread, noel cowards column
where not even a barabbas crowd dares to thread, noel cowards column
1. george w bush: you fucking terrorist 2.lizzo : you fucking terrorist
3. lil kim: you fucking terrorist
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Monday, August 29, 2022
Friday, August 12, 2022
remove viral, bacterial fungal elements from fruit, vegetables by washing, then soaking in baking soda
remove viral, bacterial fungal elements from fruit, vegetables by washing, then soaking in baking soda.
a 15, 20 minutes soak does the trick.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Saturday, July 16, 2022
auburndale/bayside/ bay terrace milk: black market or inflation?
NYC auburndale/ bayside/ bay terrace milk: black market or inflation?
The only other milk available runs a gamut of $6.00 to $7.00 a carton,let alone the health threat of an expiration date so close to the time of purchase.
particular breakfast cereals run about the same price increase gamut :
alpen went from $6.99 to $8.99, same with other natural brands.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Monday, July 4, 2022
Liner Notes: How to Wack the Burnt Frizz out of the Platinum Process 7.4.2022
Liner Notes: How to Wack the Burnt Frizz out of the Platinum Process 7.4.2022
1. follow instructions for the dyeing ,shampooing and conditioning process provided in the package, which you already okayed at purchase;
2. Apply your fave conditioner and melt some breakstone whipped butter in the palm of your hands and apply to hair. Keep it moisturizing for 15 to 30 minutes;
3. Wash your hair and recondition as you would showering;
Voila !
I.m going metallic pink soon because I can.t wait to see what my skin looks like fauve sallow
betaine summer 2022 : heart attack inducing agent spreads in the one shampoo by Garnier that didn.t carry it shampoo and conditioner into one daily care
7.4.2022 Happy Independence Day!
betaine summer 2022 : heart attack inducing agent spreads in the one shampoo by Garnier that didn.t carry it shampoo and conditioner into one daily care.
The addition seems to alternate with xxxpp product. The betaine crisis started about two months ago, affecting the Garnier product. Then it stopped. Then, this past week it started again. decided not to stress, check Garnier regularly for the reappearance of the betaine free product, choose about ten products to look at the ingredient list for every trip, and am thinking of making my own.
Monday, May 9, 2022
Invasive Plants
did you know yellow irises are invasive? yours are neon green irises, blue irises are not, yellow irises are. and white petaled, yellow centered daisies, leuco something. wiped out 48 or my sweet smelling mint plants by scrum accum.
this is also gross: kudzu looks like an oxalis - irish clover - plant at first, then weeds and kills by targeting another plant.s root system and taking it over by eating it alive. There are some invasive root species that look like grass reed that grow straight down up to a point - about 3 inches the grow at any canny 90 degree syrian diaspora prison complex angle in a perfect horizontal invasive line. spooky. Invasive plants often resemble the plant they attack. Invasive are also responsible, here in the US, of the disappearance of 45,000.00 species.
Since April, ammassed about thirty + 30 gallon trash bags of same.
dragon.s blood - horizontal ground cover, beautiful,small succulent leaves pointed, is imitated by a vertically growing weed with same shape, but flat leaves. Sick with overwork, you.ll uproot both, I guess.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
BODY OF DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPLAINT 158366 BMJ - 5.7.2022 documenting plan to cannibal run me on 5.15.2022 and last will and testament, should anything happen. download was blocked.
After inspector general female agent, days ago,said on the phone " I.ll shoot you,you Jew." , at community council , 111 precinct, NYPD, a bearded to young male, fried, president of council, and portolatin discussed shooting me.IG agent from back yard of white home on 44th ave, portolatin captain of 111 precinct, who thinks he.s related to maria leon by "race" bearded from 196.40 45th - invited de grou cannibals- my mother.s family as well to cannibalize me on a " nigger run"for him the n word means servant. They want me to turn my real and other property to them , rent to who they want " or we.ll cannibalize you in public" .this is to happen on 5.15.2022, or any other 15 date given me of removal to another location by second floor trespasser, younger adult female. I can.t wait to have my home back. also this behavior is highly aberrant in this area.
my property is being invaded by a brothel at 4646 bell blvd, bayside nyc,ny - the original 2018 tenants gone , but same arrangement by remax 159 northern blvd.they still, after being fired on 12.17.2021, have not returned keys, documents, money, or my mother.s tax doc,necessary for compilation if taxes for 2021, in June - I requested an extension, it.s 5 me nths,sent remax a letter, which did not receive a reply. Under no circumstance will I comply with this war atrocity act. If anything happens, I want all real property connected to my father, Vincent Maffei, my mother,Emilia Maffei, myself, Alexandra Maffei to be turned into city gardens, or/ and before, an area clean out housed on my mentioned real property , used as study posts of local terrorism by Dept of Defense, and other Depts of Defense, sharing a solid success rate of high Constitutional commitment in actions against all enemy combatants with aims to destroy egalitarian,independent, and free governments.
Thanks, Alex Maffei
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
columbia/ equator falcon farms shipping aggressively genocidal daisies to Hawaii
columbia/ equator falcon farms shipping aggressively genocidal daisies to Hawaii
I just planted a holly bush, almost wrecked my back doing so? I got worried about daisies my mother favored in the garden being so close to it. googled and found out that DAISIES, these in particular, when bunched in gardens, STRANGLE by way of roots other plants. I LOST 48 mint plants because of them this year in the garden. I thought someone had vandalized the garden and uprooted them.
bunched three in pots to see how they grow uprooted the best this morning, under drizzle. 12.32pm 5.4.2021 : nope.according to USDA invasive plants guide, you shouldn.t bring invasive flowers in home. So out go the daisies from the pot right into a trash bag.
Felt proud of myself, like a first aid plant EMS associate.
LISTS OF INVASIVE, GENOCIDAL PLANTS: I LOST 48 MINT TO DAISIES - now it turns out even the ivy I just bought is invasive, so now I double check and if so, out it goes.
common reeds, or phragmites. southern Italia is loaded with them road side, between Napoli and Latium region, by the seaside, where nazi fascist machine gun structures were built in case the allies would land there.
brought to US by colonists wanting to recreate crown dungeon / inferno Dante Alighieri warfare in US as human chase grounds...
LISTS OF INVASIVE, GENOCIDAL PLANTS: I LOST 48 MINT TO DAISIES - now it turns out even the ivy I just bought is invasive.
selenium, listed as necessary nutrient in nutrition books, and a vitamin ingredient, is carcinogenic
selenium, listed as necessary nutrient in nutrition books, and a vitamin ingredient, is carcinogenic.
In California, it.s been found to cause cancer.
how to fight the betaine - circulatory failure inducing chem- or EDTA: mineral depletant- craze in shampoos
how to fight the betaine - circulatory failure inducing chem- or EDTA: mineral depletant- craze in shampoos
My response to the month old craze:
Garnier Fructis finally gave up the ghost : daily care 2 in 1, the only shampoo in its line not to carry the circulatory agent now does for the past month, and the chem spread like wildfire to other shampoos, etc.
not even having the time to indulge myself into a home slide of stress, I put the invasive spread on a back burner and got on with it.I limit my time for ingredient exploration to five minutes at most, shop for other drug store necessities and don.t dwell on the issue at all.
still looking.
hell, I.m even thinking of making my own.
Monday, April 25, 2022
buyer beware of location, location, location and environmentally friendly initiatives
like Andalusia, an autonomous region in Spain posing as an environmentally friendly area while landscape.s demeaned and mineral,chemical pools can kill you.
or suffolk.s riverhead spawning repro aid to fish. In peconic, an old secessionist area.
aluminum in eye pencil
iman - top model, david bowie.s wife- eye pencil, kohl blue: contains aluminum, connected to alzheimer's disease
on sale at dollar tree
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Ballard Designs : Dutch Slave Trade " horticulturalist" bourbon crown compact, has a line called " calhoun"
ballard.s latest catalogue lists a calhoun - confederate slavist" line of furniture
remands web consultations to " garden city" area, meaning it dutch slave trades your info,life and constitutional effects to shit pits through false arrest extreme abductions to forensics psych state hospitals or shitpits like creedmoor new york through russian tzarist ties.
does not offer email access to a - do not sell my information - request by consumers.
Requested removal from mail catalog,emails. will take 90 days.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
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