Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Harvard University Defends Cryptocurrency

only boston brahmins can afford the no accountability loss cryptocurrency offers. maybe.or they.re as poor as charles the third. either way, this doesn.t work for me slightly less than Columbia University and I wouldn.t attend either. but it hates women working, I read.

Extreme Lack Plan in Financial Investing: a War Act against Democracy

Planet Consumer with Alex Maffei 11.22.2022 financial advisor slaves owned by managerial family crown staff : madison trust mercer advisors summit rock captrust fisher investments considered the best by smart assets blog based on " AUM" managerial control of all assets; financial advisors: 1. fee only: the only income they see if from you as a client; 2. fee based: same as 1, but you get charged under multiple headings. nervine use.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Automatic Bank Payments at Risk

automatic payments from banks at risk from marzella/ hughues new york in connecticut/ boston, massachusetts. work through neighborhood contact: 196.32 45th ave Auburndale/ Flushing NYC NY 11358 ; Inside bank job: bank of america, bell blvd, slightly north of northern which may have repercussions on Merryl Lynch financial portfolios; Businesses: The New York Times.refuses to send bills, will doctor account ; at and t, direct tv : anticipated payment post facto from November 5, 2022 to November 2, 2022 to ruin credit for now; document, deed burners: neighbors, 196 37/39 45th ave Auburndale/ Flushing area, 11358; Collusion within NYPD : 111 precinct NYPD did not look into any complaint if open fire burning from 37/39 at 37/39 and more, since 2010.

baking soda as cleanser for food prep stuff

and it also works to remove tarnish from silver.amazing. products available on the market are full of noxious chemicals.

raicultura : letteratura new publishing v. gruppo editoriale L. Espresso

raicultura : letteratura new publishing v. gruppo editoriale L. Espresso RAI since lega administration in a populist genocidal pit still provides a halfway decent reading list:
gruppo editoriale, L.Espresso instead proposes tricks on citizens by the trackminded, then, since it coordinates hacking with antonello florio, who for some british protectorate reason hates me extremely, brings up, on google search: gruppo editoriale : L.Espresso which promptly vanishes as soon as his jesuit extreme belief overload hits the metal, and it.s really a matter of frustrated desire for the delicacies of a better world I.m excluded from, to blame.

hacker attack, news

@6.19am 11.15.2022 all google web page leads to cleveland health concerns

playin around the investment world: casino stock and door stoop cafe.s, free seating

playin around the investment world: casino stock and door stoop cafe.s, free seating casino stock or a game of chance: invest a moderate amount in a stock, and watch it react or not to lines of concentration. just to do. learn how to invest that way too. door stoop cafe. - a one or two person venture. sell drinks from a cart offer temporary wildcat strike seating on stoop. something to look at, like an urban garden opposite would be nice...

lynch mob, coffee and cigarettes news 11.15.2022 @ 5.33am

their reality, by way of line of concentration: I.m a terrorist NY governor hochul: this state is far too liberal when it comes to Alex Maffei; US president biden: Is she a terrorist? YES!!! Then kill her! Last 24 hours: Your house is more be; You.re a Spanish citizen; English crown: how is it possible one person AND A WOMAN owning a house and LIVING ALONE! black plague scare; Threats of bacterial infection; contributions from the ' liberal' East Village mindset: She.s a pedophile; Richard Hell: I.m for Patti Smith in this.we don.t want you here! Well, I.m with the people in this! Who knows, maybe I.ll run for elections! Patti Smith: no I will! I have more political preparation than you, Richard! Richard Hell fan constituency: we don.t want you in the East Village because you.re Italian. No Spanish we.re okay.but Italian? And German? And poor? Oh no we have to skim off the fat of countless millions of citizens Richard Hell and Patti Smith have passed information about throughout the years. The Strand bookstore: we want them gone! The poor and the ethnic! We want english crown to read our books not you! Biden: I overall agree with this! Oh okay, you run! What.s the use.she.s a woman, how far can she get with this Italy? Miloni, position varied within the Italian administration, all in one president, premier and house whip: I am a woman and... Richard Hell: a privy reply, and on and on... I.m here pointing a gun to your head; When will she run? Insistence I kill children, small ferals and tenants for the big boss nextdoor; I threaten her daily with death threats! I. m with the marines on this! So what we kill children nobody wants! - last spring/ summer: I.m with the FBI in this! Biden: well, we.re using certified techniques to stop this thing... 196.40 45 ave Auburndale/ flushing nyc ny 11358 East Village, the terrorist claimants in Auburndale: WE HATE YOU UKRAINE! YOU.RE SO POOR! WHAT IS A RESIDTANCE MOVEMENT FOR BUT TO PASS AS DEMOCRATS AT THE END TO REINSERT AND DO IT AGAIN! john lydon, first punk rock wave - content: citizens opposing administration connected extraconstitutional exclusions from work, based on civil rights: yeah, you.re right! England to the English! Do they know Europe is also exclusionary? reply: no I don.t think so,we can book them on flights, have them done in by putin, then seize their estates and split among us! It.ll be solid takings... OH, MY GOD! SHE.S REPEATING THIS VERBATIM! Let.s say she.s spying on us! Biden: there I.m good... Biden, contacted by Ukrainian President: well, we don.t want to support you.I spoke to several generals, we.re ready to withdraw our support and let Kiev fall.are you ready to split the take? My reality: on my front door stoop enjoying early morning with an espresso and a cigarette, thinking: door stoop bistro, with a smile on my face, prepping to start the day with the trillion things I have to do that should.ve been addressed by agencies, businesses and federal ,such as: where is my latest covid payment? And why hasn.t my phone ring for two telephone interviews with the HRA? No sweat, I.ll just reschedule... and, wow, winter.s here.I just turned on the heat at 62 degrees fresh! 11.15.2022 @ 5.16am

support pets: anything but posting blocked at 5.32am 11.15.2022

see foodforfreecats.blogspot.com ...no link, for some arcane reason... 11.15.2022 @5.38am

Saturday, November 12, 2022

where not even a barabbas crowd dares to thread, noel cowards column

where not even a barabbas crowd dares to thread, noel cowards column 1. george w bush: you fucking terrorist 2.lizzo : you fucking terrorist 3. lil kim: you fucking terrorist cont

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

art work stuff, Hammacher Schlemmer

extreme hate,belief aid: Hammacher Schlemmer

extreme hate, extreme belief aid: Hammacher Schlemmer

Hammacher Schlemmer: The Monogrammed Buffalo Nicker Pocket Knife

companion cats- great for mental health! Hammacher Schlemmer

I hug a little elephant with a Milton Glaser coat and it does heal 

extreme hate, belief aid - Hammacher Schlemmer

extreme hate, belief aid: toe alignment socks - Hammacher Schlemmer

virus, mold and germ air purifier - the award winning cat string toy! Hammacher Schlemmer!

warm beds indoor,outdoor for cats: Hammacher Schlemmer

ottoman bed from hammacher schlemmer!