Planet Consumer with Alex Maffei
February 8, 2021
Spectrum offshore India, listed as off the wall racist in stats
1. no discount for cable teevee for lower than poverty rate customers, seniors, SARS-Cov
2.apologetic for $16.45 owed to government tax to keep them from doing worse to us than they do- they kept my deposit from last bout, about a $100.00 and charged me $17.00, 17 being unlucky number for Italians;
3. while writing this, spectrum, a de forest slavist family investment, hooks me up with - lower race- market, HRA counter.revolutionary 1776 methodist/ nazi eagle.s best/ florida bombing team, at a number I blocked, taking a poll on my interest in MEDICAID OR MEDICARE;
manhattan mini storage and parts of Chelsea/Clinton areas favor carolinas religious,secessionist/slavist, antiabortion extreme hate, prejudice groups
4. First call refused to tell me additional cost of RAI channel;
5.research in Spectrum for prices led to repetitive windows never conveying the information searched: cheapest cable service, and slowed down research several times as well;
6. coordinated my cellphone to zip code 07470, I don.t even know where that is;
8. second call, male customer service provider, refused to address my missing deposit, refused to look up how much RAI cost in addition to an astronomical $69.43 a month of which 2/3rds - like bush family SS fraud - goes to them only 1/3 to government.
9.asshole implied there may not be service accessibility unless my house was " modified".
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